2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

We are pleased to announce that EarthCODE will participate in the 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.

This will be held from 7th - 12th July, 2024 in Athens, Greece.

Please join us at our poster session on Thursday, 11 Jul, 16:20 - 17:20.

Alternatively, please visit the ESA stand for more information.

EarthCODE Tender is open

The tender for EarthCODE is open and the full tender documentation is available as a non-ESA Tender Action on ESA-STAR. With this tender EarthCODE is looking for subcontractors. The project team hosted a supplier webinar at 1.30pm CEST on 17 April, to get information on developing the three main works streams (WS): WS1 - Infrastructure, WS2 - FAIR Open Science & WS3 – Community. See recording and slides of the information day below.

View EarthCODE Information Day Presentation

EarthCODE envisions leveraging technology to empower FAIR and Open Earth System Science, fostering innovation and collaboration for a sustainable future.

This portal shall provide an entry point to the collaborative development tools and resources, as well as access to community guidelines and open documentation to help researchers adopt FAIR principles in their scientific practice.

Through community and capacity building focused on Open Science, the activity shall promote a trusted collaborative experience of conducting Earth system science.

Landing page image

EarthCODE is being developed on top of exisiting platform services and will leverage the latest tools for managing open data and open source software. It aims to grow a community of users that contribute open data and methods, discover scientific datasets and workflows, access advanced computing resources and collaborate to advance earth science.

EarthCODE will incrementally develop by integrating readily available Earth Observation cloud services and open-source building blocks provided by European industry. It also serves as a platform for Open Science capacity building, scientific communication, and international cooperation.

Co-develop EarthCODE

Be part of our mission by sharing your insights. Participate in our survey to help shape EarthCODE according to your needs and preferences: https://forms.office.com/e/3UbPiq0c0d

After signup, you will be able to access your workspace and create your first experiment. If your input data, workflow file and resulting product(s) are located on supported platforms, you can combine them and add some additional project metadata. After publishing your experiment, EarhCODE will copy and securly store the data for you and generate an unique DOI.

EarthCODE will let you browse projects, experiments and resulting products created by the entire community. You will be able to search by title, keywords, publication date and other metadata.

Each experiment published on EarthCODE will be reproducible (to varying degrees). If you choose to reproduce a previous experiment, all the available information (e.g. input data, source code, required environment) will be pre-loaded, allowing you to either re-run the experiment with the same parameters, or changing them to build your own experiment upon it.


EarthCODE aims to foster a community based on FAIR Open Science Principles throughout ESA-funded Earth System Science activities. Several recent and ongoing initiatives within the EO sector are focussed on the creation of common standards, common architecture, and open-source platforms. EarthCODE aims to deliver long-term persistence of data, code, and documentation, aiding reproducibility, reuse and consumption of research outputs by a wider community. Additionally, the Portal aims to provide access to community information resources and Open Science tools enabling collaboration and adherence to FAIR/open research practices.

If you would like to be a part of this community, please sign up to our newsletter (once it is established) to get more information. We will also hold regular sessions with end-users, so they can contribute understanding the needs of end-users and stakeholders.


Earth Science Collaborative Open Development Environment - EarthCODE - is a project sponsored by the European Space Agency (ESA) as a collaborative project under leadership of Telespazio UK as prime contractor. The contracted partners in the consortium are below.

Prime Team

Work Stream Consortium